Donastorg A., Dr Renukappa S., Dr Suresh S., Gross J., and Silverio M.
Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom.


Energy has become a human necessity. Current research has predominantly focused on renewable energy business models from developed countries. However, a gap exists when it comes to developing countries. By themselves, developing countries do not represent a significant threat to climate change. Nevertheless, together they embody and face not only the most severe energy issues but are the ones that contribute the most to the carbon footprint (52% by 2020). The aim of this research has been to produce a business model that addresses specifically the challenges that developing countries experience, and in doing so a framework has been drawn to undertake the needs of the country while promoting the drivers necessary for renewable energy change and identifying the benefits of such endeavours. For this purpose, a detail and in-depth literature review have been conducted to detect the trends in modern renewable energy business models, understand the gaps and limitations and be able to expand, transform and adapt existing business models in developing countries. The result of such examination is a complete restructuring of the known business models in renewable energy for developing countries and by inference the reform and in some case the creation, of an efficient energy infrastructure concept.

Keywords: Energy Infrastructure, Renewable Energy, Renewable Management, Developing countries, Renewable Challenges.

Corresponding Author :

Dr Renukappa S.

Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Wolverhampton
Wolverhampton, United Kingdom.
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