Principal Platinum Sponsor |

www.bergenGroupIndia.com |
Since 1983, Bergen Group has set up a benchmark every year in setting up high standards & cost effective solutions for the Indian Electronics, Automotive, Education and Solar industry to name a few. Started humble beginning in 1983 as only a sales & service organisation as a single company, today it has evolved into a multi company, multi location & multi activity based group. While best services for the customer satisfaction is always a focus, this helped group today to reach a customer base from educational institutes to small/medium volume organisation to a large multi-billion dollars organisations as well. Today the group is involved in the activity of sales, services, R&D, manufacturing & solar power generation. Group has nurtured a strong & long standing relationship with many of the partners from abroad as well as inside India. Group has customized their technologies to meet the local requirements of quality & best cost performance ratio. The Bergen Group strongly believes that success is a continuous phenomenon. We have benchmarked ourselves with the best business practices followed globally. Rated as one of the leading company in the field of PCB Assembly, PCB Manufacturing, Solar manufacturing & power generation, Bergen is known to be providing a best customer specific solution in the industries we work for. We have been certified as ISO 9001:2008 Quality management system certification. We believe and adhere firmly to the follow the quality management practices. For Bergen group, our people are our assets. We believe in building better organisation by training the young talented recruits by best professionals from abroad. Our HR policy stands on four pillars of Trust, confidence, Care & Training for our people. Today Bergen Group has significantly supported various industrial organisations , defence organisations & educational institutes. But even Rural India has not been left untouched by our activities. Bergen group is proud to be associated with as many as 50 rural villages across India where solar power energy was provided along with basic education as well as healthcare infrastructure.
Diamond Sponsor |

www.sidbi.in |
Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) set up on 2nd April 1990 under an Act of Indian Parliament, acts as the Principal Financial Institution for Promotion,Financing and Development of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector as well as for co-ordination of functions of institutions engaged in similar activities
Gold Sponsor |

www.ongcindia.com |
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) was incorporated on 23.06.1993 with the objective to transform the statutory commission namely Oil and Natural Gas Commission into a Public Sector Company, through an Act of Parliament and to take over the business of the commission w.e.f. 01.02.1994. ONGC is a global Energy company integrated in the entire energy value-chain .ONGC is a Schedule - 'A', listed Maharatna CPSE in E&P sector under the administrative control of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, which holds 58.90% of its shareholding.
Maharatna ONGC is the largest crude oil and natural gas Company in India, contributing around 68% of crude oil and natural gas production of the country. Crude oil is the raw material used by downstream companies like IOC, BPCL, and HPCL (subsidiary of ONGC) to produce petroleum products like Petrol, Diesel, Kerosene, Naphtha, and Cooking Gas-LPG.
ONGC was ranked 25th among global energy majors in the coveted Platt's Top 250 Global Energy Company Rankings 2021 based on assets, revenues, profits and return on invested capital. Forbes has ranked the Company 5th largest in India and 228th worldwide in Global 2000 list of 2022 based on sales, profit, assets and market value. ONGC is ranked 243rd globally and 4th in India in 2021 ranking of Fortune Global 500 list based on total revenues for the fiscal year.
ONGC has a unique distinction of being a company with in-house service capabilities in all areas of Exploration and Production of oil & gas and related oil-field services. Winner of the Best Employer award, this public sector enterprise has a dedicated team of around 27,000 professionals who toil round the clock in challenging locations.
Silver Sponsors |

www.envision-group.com |
Envision Group is a world-leading company providing renewable energy system solutions and net zero technology partner. With the mission of 'solving the challenges for a sustainable future', Envision continues to promote wind and solar as the 'new coal', batteries and hydrogen fuels as the 'new oil', AIoT as the 'new grid', net zero industrial parks as the' new infrastructure' and an ecosystem of net zero technology as the 'new industry', to create a net zero world.
In October 2021, Envision Group was ranked second in the world on the Fortune "Change the World" list. Envision Group was ranked among the Top 10 of the 2019 'World's 50 Smartest Companies' by the MIT Technology Review.
Envision achieved carbon neutral in global operation by 2022 and will achieve carbon neutral throughout its value chain by 2028. |

www.powergridindia.com |
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID), is a schedule 'A', 'Maharatna' Public Sector Enterprise of Govt. of India which was incorporated on 23rd October 1989 under the Companies Act, 1956. POWERGRID is a listed Company, with 51.34% holding of Government of India and the balance is held by Institutional Investors and public.
POWERGRID is engaged in the core business of bulk Power Transmission through its Inter-State Transmission system.
The vision of the Company is to be "World class, Integrated, Global Transmission Company with Dominant Leadership in Emerging Power Markets Ensuring Reliability, Safety and Economy". |

www.pfcindia.com |
Power Finance Corporation is a Navratna CPSE under the administrative control of Ministry of Power, GoI. Established in 1986, it is the financial backbone of the Indian Power Sector and also the nodal agency for the implementation of the ambitious Ultra Mega Power Plants (UMPPs) & IPDS (Integrated Power Development Scheme) programme of Govt. of India
The company was coveted with several prestigious awards from forums such as SCOPE, CBIP, ICC, ICAI etc in the categories such as the Best Power Financing Company, Dun and Bradstreet Award in the Infrastructure Financing Category, Best PSU in Corporate Governance & Employee Productivity, Amar Ujala CSR Award and so on in the recent past. |

www.sunsource-energy.com |
SunSource Energy develops, engineers, procures, constructs, and operates solar power plants and projects, to help Clients in institutional, industrial, commercial and non-profit sectors use solar energy more intelligently and efficiently.
The deep commitment we bring to our work, service to our clients, making our own positive contribution to sustainable development in India and the world, and creating long-term value through what we do, allows us to sincerely claim that we apply solar from the core. This is exemplified by the care we take in ensuring quality for each of our projects, and the fact that the core team at SunSource has worked in solar for over a decade, developing and building solar power plants ranging from off-grid solar home systems to MW-scale grid-connected plants globally.
SunSource Energy brings to solar customers, proven expertise and innovative ideas, executed by our team of experienced solar energy professionals. Our team consists of solar energy experts who have decades of global experience in solar energy. Our expertise and experience in solar technology and project development helps us in fully understanding, analyzing and meeting the needs of our clients.

www.ge.com/renewableenergy |
GE Power provides a wide range of power generation, transmission, distribution and energy delivery technologies to solve the challenges faced locally. The company works in all areas of the power industry across fuels like coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear. By combining local presence and knowledge with global expertise, GE Power offers energy solutions with diverse capabilities to better serve its customers. Currently, 85% of gas based power generation in India, over 50% in Bangladesh and 100% in Sri Lanka is done through GE technology. Also, more than 90% of the India's aluminium smelters use GE's pollution control systems that significantly reduce the environmental impact. In the Steam Power portfolio, GE has a localized manufacturing capability for steam turbines, generators, boilers, and mills. Today, GE is installing 12,000MW high-efficiency steam turbines & generators in India, and over 40 low emission supercritical boilers are being constructed with GE technology through our collaboration with BHEL. With state-of-the-art Technology, GE has commissioned the first limestone-based desulphurization system for NTPC with 100% gas flow to ensure a cleaner future for India. GE has delivered & executed steam turbine efficiency upgrade project with a heat rate improvement of 14.5% and overall plant efficiency of 5.5%, and GE has developed complete in-house capability of full range of service offerings for steam turbine and generators of any OEMs. For Bangladesh, GE technology is in 50% of the Coal power stations currently in construction, and installed its first Steam Turbine in the country in the 1970s. GE Power is a leading player in the Power Transmission and Distribution business with a product portfolio ranging from Medium Voltage to Ultra High Voltage (1200 kV) for power generation, utility, industry and infrastructure markets. Project execution capabilities for power industry segments like generation, transmission, and distribution, automation form the core of the company's business offerings. GE Power designs leading technology products, services and integrated solutions for the delivery, management, conversion and optimization of electrical power for customers across the full energy value chain. Currently, over 60% of India's power flow is managed through GE technology.

www.sbi.co.in |
State Bank of India welcomes you to explore the world of premier bank in India.
The Bank is actively involved since 1973 in non-profit activity called Community Services Banking. All our branches and administrative offices throughout the country sponsor and participate in large number of welfare activities and social causes. Our business is more than banking because we touch the lives of people anywhere in many ways.
Our commitment to nation-building is complete & comprehensive.

www.iocl.com |
Welcome to the world of IndianOil, an integrated energy major with presence in almost all the streams of oil, gas, petrochemicals and alternative energy sources; a world of high-calibre people, state-of-the-art technologies and cutting-edge R&D; a world of best practices, quality-consciousness and transparency; and a world where energy in all its forms is tapped most responsibly and delivered to the consumers most affordably.

www.ntpc.co.in |
NTPC is India's largest power utility with an installed capacity of 46,653 MW, plans to become a 128,000 MW company by 2032. Established in 1975, NTPC aims to be the world's largest and best power major. NTPC has comprehensive Rehabilitation & Resettlement and CSR policies well integrated with its core business of setting up power projects and generating electricity. The company is committed to generating reliable power at competitive prices in a sustainable manner by optimising the use of multiple energy sources with innovative eco-friendly technologies thereby NTPC is contributing to the economic development of the nation and upliftment of the society. The future lies with renewable energy. Renewable energy technologies provide clean and green sources of electricity. With their abundance supply, they form the backbone for India's energy security and 'energy independence' as envisaged by 2020. We aim to transform NTPC into the country's largest green power producer in the coming years. Green power is national power. NTPC has drafted its business plan of capacity addition of about 1,000 MW through renewable resources by 2017. In this endeavour, NTPC has already commissioned 310 MW Solar PV Projects. 50 MW Solar PV at Anantpur in Andhra Pradesh, 260 MW Solar PV at Bhadla in Rajasthan and 250 MW Solar PV at Mandsar in Madhya Pradesh and 8 MW Small Hydro Projects are under implementation.
Technology Partner |

www.axens.net |
Axens is a worldwide group that provides a complete range of solutions for the conversion of oil and biomass to cleaner fuels, for the production and purification of major petrochemical intermediates as well as for gas treatment and conversion options. The offer includes technologies, equipment, furnaces, modular units, catalysts, adsorbents and related services. Axens is ideally positioned to cover the entire value chain, from feasibility study to unit start-up and follow-up throughout the entire unit cycle life. This unique position ensures the highest level of performance with a reduced environmental footprint. Axens global offer is based on: highly trained human resources, modern production facilities and an extended global network for industrial, technical supports & commercial services.

www.ril.com |
Reliance is India's largest private sector company, with a consolidated turnover of INR 539,238 crore ($73.8 billion), cash profit of INR 79,828 crore ($10.9 billion), and net profit of INR 53,739 crore ($7.4 billion) for the year ended March 31, 2021. Reliance's activities span hydrocarbon exploration and production, petroleum refining and marketing, petrochemicals, retail and digital services.
Reliance is the top-ranked company from India to feature in Fortune's Global 500 list of "World's Largest Companies". The company stands 55th in the Forbes Global 2000 rankings of "World's Largest Public Companies" for 2021 - top-most among Indian companies. It features among LinkedIn's 'The Best Companies to Work For in India' (2021). |

www.247solar.com |
247Solar, Inc., with origins at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and with funding support from the US Department of Energy, is commercializing multiple breakthrough inventions that together comprise an ambitious Ultra-High-Temperature Solar Technology Platform. These technologies can be combined in a variety of ways with diverse applications in what is rapidly becoming the world's largest industry-mitigating climate change. These applications include:
· Low cost, long-duration battery storage for grids with 24/7 dispatchability
· 24/7 dispatchable, emissions-free electricity and heat
· Recycling waste heat from industrial processes to produce electricity without emissions
247Solar technologies are modular, scalable and factory-produced, and they are easily incorporated into a wide variety of business models and revenue streams. |

www.pdpu.ac.in |
Pandit Deendayal Energy University's 100-acre campus is located in Gandhinagar, which is the capital city of Gujarat and located 23 km North from a well-developed city called Ahmedabad with a population of 8 million people. The city is famous for its remarkable cultural development and social life. PDEU offers multiple courses ranging from engineering, arts and management along with maximum exposure and opportunities to its students through various national and international exchange programs with best University worldwide. For development of its faculties and staff the University endeavors for various Joint Exchange and Research programs. Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU) has been established by GERMI as a Private University through the State Act enacted on 4th April, 2007. The University offers programs to address the need for trained human resources in the domains of Science, Technology, Management and Humanities. It intends to broaden the opportunities for students and professionals to develop core subject knowledge which are duly complemented by leadership training interventions, thereby helping the students to make a mark in the global arena. This objective is being further addressed through a number of specialized and well-planned undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral programs as well as intensive research projects. Pandit Deendayal Energy University has been promoted by Government, Industry and Energy & Petrochemical Department to create a world class University in energy education and research with special focus on the oil and gas sector. The University addresses the need for trained and specialized human resource in the domains of engineering, management and humanities. It intends to expand the opportunities for students and professionals to develop an intellectual knowledge base with leadership skills to compete in the global arena. This objective is being addressed through a number of specialized and well-planned undergraduate and post-graduate education programs and intensive research initiatives. PDEU have specialized and well-planned undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral programs as well as intensive research projects. With the attractive credentials of the Institute, Central Government of India has granted autonomy to PDEU, in March 2018. In May, 2021 PDEU has been granted the status of Center of Excellence by the Gov. of Gujarat and ranked No. 1 private university, five-star rating by GSIRF- government of Gujarat. The institute have center of excellence such as International Automobile, Siemans, Center for Bio-fuel & Bioenergy studies, Solar Research & Development Center, Center of Excellence in Geothermal Energy, Drilling & Simulation Center, Center of Excellence in Climate Change, Innovation and Incubation Center and Water treatment management center. |

www.ongcindia.com |
The ONGC Energy Centre aims to conduct research in alternate energy, specifically focusing on projects, which have the potential to make an impact on India's energy scene. The ONGC Energy Centre functions under the aegis of the ONGC Energy Centre Trust, which was established, under the Indian Trust Act, on 8th August 2005. ONGC Energy Centre, which is mandated to undertake or assist in programs / projects of fundamental and applied research for improving and developing commercially viable energy mediums and sources beyond hydrocarbons, especially in clean and/or renewable energy options. |

www.oil-india.com |
The story of Oil India Limited (OIL) traces and symbolises the development and growth of the Indian petroleum industry. OIL is a premier Indian National Oil Company engaged in the business of exploration, development and production of crude oil and natural gas, transportation of crude oil and production of LPG. OIL also provides various E&P related services. OIL has over 1 lakh sq km of PEL/ML areas for its exploration and production activities, most of it in the Indian North East, which accounts for its entire crude oil production and majority of gas production. Oil India Limited, one of the five best major PSUs and one of three best energy sector PSUs in the country. |